
how to lose weight quickly

Hi there, if you are looking how to lose weight quickly and naturally then here is the best tea to lose weight and melt belly fat with 100% guarantee and prove because millions of people in the world have been used this tea and loosed their overweight just in 2 weeks by drinking this delicious tea. Yes, I have used this tea also the name is “Red Tea Detox” let’s see my story how I loosed 41 pounds just in 2 weeks.
So discover the Red Tea Detox how this overweight mother of 2 went from fat to thin in just 2 weeks with this secret fat-melting tea recipe from Africa. So let's see my story.

creater of red tea recipe
Hi, my name is Liz Swann miller I am a naturopath and a best Amazon author and helped over 14,793 women and men reclaiming their health, fitness, and happiness. This was advice for them that they needed to improve their physical health. 
I was ashamed and worried by my overweight after a difficult and complicated pregnancy as a professional weight loss expert.  No matter, I have used many techniques to lose my weight but couldn’t get rid of pounds and pounds of stubborn excess fat. 
I was really ashamed, disappointed and alone which I had ever been before this.  I felt absolutely helpless. 
My all life changed when I took a plane to Africa and discovered the delicious tea which made me burn body fat quickly and easily without any hunger cravings. 
Now,  you need to read this article start to end because I am going to give you a revolutionary delicious tea that will help you lose weight and healthy lifestyle.  

This recipe has helped me to change my life and fat loss:
I dropped 14 pounds in only a few weeks.

Then I did cleanse away an incredible 27 pounds more.
So, in this way, I shed 41 pounds weight and got healthy body because of one cup of tea.
I am very thankful to a bizarre legend my south African college exchange student had told me about when I was younger, a story about this delicious red tea which discovered in the African wilderness, and the Kenyan tribe who drank this delicious red tea to stop all the hunger feelings.

The African shaman said, 

The legend possessed an ancient recipe for a delicious red tea and appreciated it that it is so powerful which whoever drank it gained unlimited energy without any thirst and hunger. 

It's like crazy, and still, I was absolutely dying to find out the truth.

Can drinking this delicious red tea really make someone never feel hungry?
Now I want to tell you something important that you can not buy this tea blend in the store because it is yet mostly a secret. Actually, I am literally the 1st person in America whoever brought it back from Africa. I had faced many difficulties to get it in African jungle alive so you would not be hearing about it today. 
But don’t worry because you can find all the ingredients at the grocery store. You might have even them in your house right now. And this delicious tea works like magic. 
You will feel completely satisfied and energized instantly almost and your body will active due to its natural ability to burn fat that’s superpower you might not have used in years.
Additionally, anyone can use it absolutely not matter of your age, gender, or health.
Now, you may drink this amazing Red tea to detox your body and lose weight 10,20,30,40,50 pounds or more just like I did.
just I did like. 
I can’t explain the feeling of complete and utter relief as the first few pounds disappeared. 
When they have gone and I knew that I had found something special. 
In a matter of a few weeks, I shed 41 pounds. Yes that’s right 41
No more diet failures and no more guilt.
               I was being very happier with each pound I lost and I was back in my skinny jeans again.
You can see to be more smiling, more slunder right in this image from last Sunday at a family barbecue.
Liz swan miller and her husband making barbecue in her home
Liz swan miller and her husband making barbecue
It's saved my good sense, my health, and my failing marriage.
This is a real life changer.

Therefore, I am so energized to give you this secret red tea recipe that is responsible for 
removing 14 lbs in the blink of an eye.
liz swann miller overweight during her last pregnancy

You see, in days of my last pregnancy I was worried because it took a toll on me so after multiple complications; I was put on the extended bed for the rest. I spent 80% of my day fixed in bed and when I drank this tea and forced to give up my overweight then I was very excited. 
I became sluggish and felt tired all the time. Finally, I absolutely lost control of my weight.    
I felt like a fraud and here I was helping people all over the country who lose weight and get the bodies they wanted while I was lying in bed looking worse than I ever had. 
Honestly, I felt disliked with myself and even my husband was very supportive, he told me he did not care what I looked like,  I knew very deeply he just was not physically attracted to me anymore.  So my husband loved me. 
Eventually,  I knew that it was time to change and I decided to face the music. I carefully stepped onto the scale and my disliked body; I saw that I had gained 41 pounds. 
I could not believe it. I knew how my weight had gotten out of control but I had no idea how it had happened, I was much worried about this problem. I could not face the world. I went back to my bed and spent a day with rest crying my eyes out. 
Please just imagine, if you have ever gained a lot of extra weight and felt your body was out of control. I know how helpless and hopeless you feel. Thank God, I know there is a solution to this problem that works because I have done it and it’s fast, easy, and it tastes delicious.

Eventually, by the grace of God, I lost every one of that stubborn body fat 41 pounds for good. 
So, now you can understand why I wanted to go to Africa and go deep into the jungle to find this mysterious recipe.     
Remember, nothing worked this recipe for me until I found the ancient red tea recipe which stops hunger and shrinks fat cells.

Before I share this recipe with you,
I want to give you a warning.
Today, I am going to give you this recipe that you often want but to be completely honest, with complete information I am sharing with you today secrets that some people don’t want to know about.      
While I want to keep running this site as long as I can, I can’t promise any miracles.
  So, if you are even a little bit curious to know about how this tea can lose your stubborn body fat, and shrink your fat cells than you need to read this entire article today.   

I know this could be sounding pretty to you but please keep some patience.

However, the truth is that all I did was drinking this delicious red tea and did a few simple things to
 Shrink my fat cells.

In this tea, the unique combination of special ingredients literally unlocks your fat cells, remove built-up toxins and reset metabolism of your body and these are the two factors that are making it impossible for you to lose weight. 
Congratulations, I have found the science that actually backs it up

The days of feeling guilty are finally over about not losing weight. Is not that what you really want?  Right now, you are maybe wondering why anyone has no ever heard of this tea before. 
The answer is incredibly simple

   In fact, the entire tribe at Africa where I went to find this mysterious recipe, they thought I was crazy when I told them I wanted to lose weight.  It is not a part of their culture to worry about losing weight, so they don’t realize that they have a secret to lose weight that everyone in America is dying to get this secret to losing weight. They are much worried about their obesity. 

So let me ask you this:
red tea recipe  to cleanse away your unwanted pounds May you give me 14 days to cleanse away your unwanted pounds?

Imagine the confidence you will feel from walking into work wearing those jeans that you had in wedding days but now you have not been able to zip up those jeans because now you have been fatty after pregnancy. 
Imagine why is not the joy of seeing your spouse look at you right now that you had so many years ago. 
Imagine your excitement when just 14 short days from now, you can check now your weight on the scale and you will see that are 14 pounds lighter after 14 days. At that time you will feel huge excitement. 
And it was also so easy. 
     All you did by drinking this delicious red tea. Plus, you still got to enjoy tasty meals and even exercised a bit less not more. 

Remember, this is not just about losing the fat. It is about confidence. It is about freedom.

Having control of your body you are taking back control of your life.  Now more helpless, no more hopeless, no more insecurity, no more indecision. 
Now, to speed up your fat loss and as a special thank you just for reading my informative fat loss article I am giving you

5 new Fat Shrinking Rules  

Honestly, if you are willing to lose weight 20, 40, 60 pounds or more
I know this can work for you.
  Drink this delicious red tea and in only 14 days from now and you will start the natural fat burning system in your body, turning your body into a calorie burning machine. You will look in the mirror and for the first time in years, you will see a big unstoppable smile.
You will be thrilled just like I was.
You will love the “new slender looking you.

This is the slimmer and sexier body you have always wanted to see.

These rules will help you to detox your body and force your fat cells to open so you can release stubborn fat and shrink fat cells.  Your body can be cleansing away fat mere minutes from now.
Now you will hear from just a few of my private clients who drank this tasty, delicious  fat cleansing red tea that forced their body to detox and fat cells to open and pump out more fat burning hormones and made their fat cells shrink and stay shrunk.

testimonies about red tea detox

dan r lost 42 pounds of his weight by drinking this tea

You have heard from my few clients of the thousands of people who proved this is the one thing that worked to lose all the weight they wanted.

Now, within just 14 days from now, you can get similar results just like Amanda, Dan, Melissa and Emily did.
Trust me this tea is so powerful you must read all the information to the end so you can get the secret recipe.

And lose 41 pounds of my ugly fat without any hunger cravings, you can too.
And lose 41 pounds of my ugly fat without any hunger cravings, you can too. 

I know you are probably doubtful. Right?
It’s okay, I can’t stress this enough:
You Are Not A Failure.

I remember when I was with overweight when nothing in my closet fit me when I knew nothing would look good on me just like any cloth, jeans, etc.
I was so ashamed of my body that I even start understanding for bed in the dark that my husband could not see how fat I really was.
I hoped and prayed each night that my husband would not to touch me. I could not bear the shame of him knowing what I had become.
As a result we did. I hated it. Nothing I tried worked to lose the weight.  So I suffered for a long time than I had to admit.
So let’s come to our topic. There are five fat shrinking rules that I am going to share with you.

eat more weight less from this rule
reduce stress lose fat

eliminate toxins, drop pounds
fat shrinking rules

re balance hormones, release stored fat
exercise less, Lose more weight

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

I don’t care that how stubborn belly fat has been but if you have always wanted to fit into your clothing you have only dreamed about before. So I will show you how you can rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock your crucial metabolic fat burning steps so you can control your fat burning and fat storing hormones as well as do it as easy. 1,2,3.
Today, I will give you the secret red tea recipe so you may make it right in your own home with cheap ingredients from your grocery store.
This tasty and delicious, zero hunger, fat burning red tea with incredible energy properties is about to be yours.

Before I give you the red tea recipe, I would like to share with you the troubling details of my real life African adventure, and how I find this no hunger red tea from the African ancient legend who restored my life and made agin my marriage life so happy. It all began when my husband and I booked a flight to Africa, hot on the trail of this ancient red tea legend.

What was so incredible thing that I find this no hunger red tea recipe from the African Shaman? This incredible, delicious and tasty tea has the most noteworthy fat cleansing action that I discovered in 15 years of traveling the world as a medical maverick.

I also discovered this no hunger red tea’s 5 unique ingredients that are scientifically proven to open stubborn fat cells and force them to release hard to lose fat as well as to cleanse away years.

When I tried exercising to burn more belly fat, it had little impact on my fat loss.

I went to my doctor and told him why I could not lose the weight

After my exam and test results he said:

As if that was not enough my marriage was on the last stage of complete and total failure.

My husband and I were not anywhere close as being intimate and I knew deeply it was my own fault. 
I was pushing him away because I was ashamed of my body because I felt that I was becoming a different person. Deeply I knew that he was not attracted to me anymore. 
Each time I felt that I was overweighed, the numbers were up, I ate less and less and exercised more. Did you ever guess before that I had a few scolding symptoms that made me feel sick like: 

1- Feeling tired wake up after sleeping 8 hours.

2- Again and again headaches

3- Upset and feeling moody all day

4- Complication on concentrating 

5- Puffy swollen eyes 

6- Hands and feet cold 

7- Eyelashes and eyebrows thinner

8- Strong sugar appetite

Maybe you had some of these symptoms too. If you have then it’s very important for you to continue to read this article because I have the answer to all of your problems.
Absolutely, the scolding symptoms were causing me to feel tired disappointed and really hopeless.  
I was always with appetite
I knew something happened seriously wrong with me no matter what may doctor said.

When I remembered this wondering rumor about this no- hunger red tea I was so sad.

I had 41 pounds overweight.
So you can understand why I was highly excited to find out more.
I knew that I could stop my appetite with it, I could easily lose the weight.
That’s why I was so amateur and having high desperate, that I was willing to fly to Africa to find out if the legend was true.

Yes, my marriage was in serious trouble.

I knew if I did not do something about the ugly rolls of fat on my body I was worried for a shocked, soul-crushing divorce.
Our marriage was going to destroy and our promises and fate to uphold until death do us part. 

Although I had to climb a huge hill to get the village each day but actually had more energy even before. I began taking better sleeping too, waking up. More rested, refreshed and excited to face to a new day. My stress had practically vanished and anxiety was gone completely. 
Finally, I was happy.
With the Best of all my efforts, the weight was falling off me.

Here’s the bad news:
The secret red tea recipe was protected and prized like pure gold by the villagers

To reach the shaman, the path was so difficult and we had to walk for 15 miles and the climb was the steeper trail for many 100 feet.  So, to pass all the way we reach the top of the highest cliff, where is I could find the village shaman.
After experiencing the amazing effects of this magical tea firsthand I decided, I was not leaving this continent without it.
What could I do? Give up? I do not think so.
        After many hours and almost 12 miles of steady hiking I was getting tired.  The humid air, the exhaustion from the difficult path and the enveloping darkness caught up with me and after a misstep, I stumbled. 
I fell into a wet sandy hole.
After more struggling to get up I couldn’t anything. I was sinking fast.
 Then the large bundle of sticks was placed in front of me across the top of the sand in a path leading out of the deadly trap.
Now the guide assists to me. “Push yourself come out! It’s the only way!”
 I pushed down the path in front of me with all my strength. I was worried, I was cried and I difficult with all my being.  I was thinking once I emerged from that deadly hole, best of all, the guide held me by the arm and dragged me out to safety.
My legs were shaking and I was tired.  I was going to die, I was horrified.
                      It’s really worth risking my life for this recipe?         
  When we took a break the villagers placed us some of the red tea while we rested.
The red tea has a delicious taste and it stopped my hunger and gave me the energy to keep going on after hiking for miles and facing certain death.

After passing the few miles more at last we had arrived.

When we came upon the shaman’s home. We saw a steady and rhythmic grinding echoed over the cliff. How lived in a solitary cabin with a variety of carvings tools, books, and herbs. When he finally comes out from the tent, he was gazing us with an intensity that I had never seen before.

We urgently bowed in a sign of respect. Now, may African friend Rose told the shaman why I was here and for what. When I saw his reaction, I didn’t need to an interpreter to tell me what he was saying.

He refused to give me the recipe and I was heartbroken. I risked my life to get this recipe.

Now I was thinking, I had to go back empty-handed? No.

I refused!

So I told the shaman about why I come to you and for what, I had countless miles traveled and with other difficulties like the grueling trek to the village, the attack from deadly viper and the quicksand. Rose tried to agree on shaman but she could not do it.

Suddenly the shaman laughed. It was a very surprisingly joyful laugh for us. How to call me to come closer. He gave me the ancient bowl in my hands in which dried red leaves.

This tea was simple and easy to make and batch of it lasted all day.
So my husband and I drank some tea and it gave us the energy that we needed to celebrate our discovery and rekindle our marriage. 

After two months, a lot of processed of drank this tea I realized that I had detoxed, chemical filled “fat-free food” my doctor was told to eat. What did he know…
I kicked my soda habit without even trying.    

This was more shocking for us that my husband and I had spent two months drinking this delicious red tea several times a day, so we lost weight easily. Wow, I was very excited.
I lost 41 pounds and my husband lost 37 as well as it gave both of us an energy we needed to be again and again. Thanks to red tea detox.

After I and my husband had got effective results for weight loss of this delicious red tea we returned to America.
After returning, I was determined to unlock the secrets of this delicious incredible re tea, so I prepared a team from our college for research and got to work.
Finally, I and my team had discovered all five ingredients with each herb contributing a specific action:

ü It forces fat cells to be open and release harmful toxins
that stop cells.
ü It reduces stress hormones that block the brain’s fat burning signals.
ü It’s allowed muscle growth and released fat to be burned.
ü  Its stop the hunger’s feeling and cravings.
ü It’s cleansed released toxins and fat from the body and much more.  

These all 5 ingredients work together very well to effectively detox the body to cleanse fat away.
So this delicious red tea works to cleanse up 14 pounds of fat in just a few weeks.
I know it’s difficult because who are overweight have an increased risk of: 

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benefits of red tea detox

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You have waited long enough.
Now it’s time to get the body you want.

 The red tea detox program includes the red tea recipe and my simple to follow methods are for weight loss and cleansing way the fat.
I promise you that once you try it, it’s the most delicious and has no hunger cravings. So it’s the best way to lose weight.
The red tea recipe is easy to make and its 5 ingredients you can find at your local grocery store. You might have these ingredients in your house already.
Now it's common to lose 5, 10 or 15 pounds weight by drinking this delicious weight loss red tea. 
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It’s not like any other diet programs you have tried. There is no calorie counting, no calculating points, and no more bad food. It’s all about figured out for you just you keep eating the food you love, it’s just as simple as 1, 2, 3.
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Want more details on the fat shrinking effects?

Here’s the science:

The red tea detox is breakthrough program and many people have been attracted to see incredible results people who have been struggling to lose fat and they are waiting for it.
The most important thing, it helps eliminate harmful fat by working with your body’s natural fat burning metabolism without any feeling of hunger cravings.

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